Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Wow. Looking at my last post, evidently its taken me longer to get back than I thought it would. I could tell you what I've been up to in the meantime, but a)it's not that interesting and b)I'm not sure if anyone reads this that wouldn't know. But what the heck - lets get the ball rolling again.
I started uni back in September. Except its not really uni; I go in 2 days a fortnight and its not at a university. It is a proper degree course, but its mostly based on the practical youth work I do. Also, I get to say I go to university in Oxford.
Also, my girlfriend's moved to a different country. I try not to take these things personally, but I can only take so much...
Anyway, if anyone's out there, I'll try to do a bit better with the blogging from now on.

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